Platform and Tools

Platforms & Tools

The International Trade Centre has developed a suite of online platforms and tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets. They aim at supporting private and public sector stakeholders to identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performances, make well-informed trade decisions and enhance their capacities.

Some of these platforms and tools have been developed in collaboration with other organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Under “External Resources” you can access useful trade-related platforms developed by external parties.
Global Trade Helpdesk

is a repository of tools that provide detailed information about imports, market dynamics, tariffs, regulatory requirements, potential buyers and more.

Globe with markers
LDC Trade Tracker:

allows users to monitor the trade of LDCs through thematic reports and interactive indicators.

Growth line chart of countries

Trade Briefs

analyze trade data to identify monthly variations in goods exports across countries, regions, and sectors.

Change in Global Exports
VISIT Trade Briefs

Trade Map

provides indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies.

Bubble chart of countries growth
VISIT Trade Map

Customized Trade Map Lao PDR

provides indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets for Lao PDR.

Main Products Exported By Lao People's Democratic Republic (2022)
VISIT Customized Trade Map Lao PDR

Export Potential Map

spots export opportunities for trade development.

Export Potential Map
VISIT Export Potential Map

Market Price Information

provides free access to real-time data on prices and market updates for more than 300 agricultural products.

Line chart showing evolution of prices for Avocado
VISIT Market Price Information
Market Access Map

identifies customs tariffs, tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, regulatory requirements and preferential regimes applicable to your product.

Europe and Arica map
VISIT Market Access Map

Rules of Origin Facilitator

enables you in a few clicks to find out import duties in foreign markets applicable to your product, available duty savings, detailed rules of origin, and certification procedures.

Import to Viet Nam
VISIT Rules of Origin Facilitator


facilitates the tracking and managing of information on product requirements related to sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures and technical barriers to trade (TBT).

Adoption of the Philippine National Standards (PNS) and its Recommended Code of Practices (RCP) for Processed Food Products as Technical Regulation
Investment Map

identifies priority sectors and competing countries for foreign investments, existing and potential foreign investors and potential locations for investment abroad.

Bar Chart Showing Recent Sectors' Attractiveness in Malaysia
VISIT Investment Map

Procurement Map

provides detailed information for public tenders and contract awards and fosters entrepreneurship and new market opportunities.

China's Stats Of Active Tenders And Contract Awards
VISIT Procurement Map

Trade Strategy Map

is a repository of strategic policy documents dealing with trade and development issues from around the world.

Explore the TSM By Sector
VISIT Trade Strategy Map

Strategy Implementation Management tool

is a modern, web-based application designed to effectively address the most critical challenges of strategy implementation for policy-makers.

VISIT Strategy Implementation Management tool

SheTrades Outlook

is a tool that explores and compares how countries areaddressing gender in trade policies and practices.

Pie Chart Showing Overall Assesment For Philippines
VISIT SheTrades Outlook
QualityForTrade Platform

serves as a one-stop quality shop allowing registered users to:

  • discover quality requirements,
  • connect with relevant institutions and individuals,
  • seek pathways to improvements and
  • gain insights from those who have already experienced success.

Customized country versions:

QualityForTrade Lao PDRQualityForTrade MyanmarQualityForTrade PhilippinesQualityForTrade Vietnam
Lighbulb illustration
VISIT QualityForTrade Platform
Sustainability Map

helps you highlight your business’ strengths and sustainability credentials to access new markets and preferential credits.

Map View Of Thailand and Cambodia
VISIT Sustainability Map

Standards Map

helps you to find trusted and neutral information about voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), codes of conduct, audit protocols, reporting frameworks and company programs on sustainability.

Pie Chart of Sustainability Pillars
VISIT Standards Map

Green Performance Toolkit

supports small businesses in developing countries by providing knowledge about green opportunities and innovations, expertise on how to put these into practice and an extensive network to support “going green”.

Areas Of Textile / Apparel, Agri-food Industries
VISIT Green Performance Toolkit
SME Competitiveness Atlas

deepens the understanding of small and medium-sized enterprises competitiveness worldwide by assessing their strengths and weaknesses in a clear, accessible way, shedding light on opportunities to increase sales at home and abroad

Philippines (the) Competitiveness Assessment
VISIT SME Competitiveness Atlas

Online Payment Solution Finder

shows which online payment solution is suitable for a business by location.

Find Out The Best Payment Solution For Your Online Business
VISIT Online Payment Solution Finder

E-Commerce Readiness Quiz

allows to check the readiness of a business to engage in international e-commerce and indicates where improvementsare needed to successfully sell online.

E-Commerce Planing Quiz
VISIT E-Commerce Readiness Quiz

E-Commerce Cost Calculator

compares selling fees between Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Shopify and allows to calculate margins on each platform.

Tell Us About Your Business
VISIT E-Commerce Cost Calculator

centres on empowering women engaging in international trade, allows to connect with women entrepreneurs and showcases their sustainable products and services.

VISIT SheTrades

Ye! Community

is a global platform supporting young and aspiring entrepreneurs to build impactful businesses and enhance economic development.

Ye! Community
VISIT Ye! Community


a community for individuals interested in E-commerce.

VISIT ecomConnect
Becoming Export Ready in Lao PDR:

centres on empowering women engaging in international trade, allows to connect with women entrepreneurs and showcases their sustainable products and services.

Course About Becoming Export Ready in Lao PDR
VISIT Preparing Lao’s SMEs to Export

Tourism Academy of Southern Shan State (Myanmar):

a learning space and knowledge-sharing centre that serves tourism professionals in Myanmar and beyond.

Shan State Academy Courses About Tourism
VISIT Shan Academy

SME Trade Academy

provides a public learning platform that contains over 100 free e-learning courses on export development, sustainability, trade support, entrepreneurship, e-commerce, and market analysis.

There are over 100 free e-learning courses at SME Trade Academy
VISIT SME Trade Academy

SheTrades Learning

a learning platform that contains free e-learning courses, self-assessments, certificate programmes and offers webinars with a focus on women in trade.

SheTrades Learning
VISIT SheTrades Learning

Global Textile Academy

a learning space and knowledge centre for professionals working, or having interest in the natural fibres, textiles and clothing sector.

Courses About Natural Fibres, Textiles and Clothing Sector At Global Textile Academy
VISIT Global Textile Academy

Supply chain management Programme:

trains and certifies MSMEs and professionals globally. It is delivered by over 60 licensed partners in more than 40 countries, amongst them Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam.

Courses At Supply Chain Program
VISIT Supply chain management Programme
ASEAN Secretariat

is the main portal of the Association of Southeast AsianNations.

Association Of Southeast Asian Nations
VISIT ASEAN Secretariat


provides online courses for MSMEs on business management and trade.

Online Courses For MSMEs On Business Management And Trade

UN Comtrade Database:

aggregates global annual and monthly trade statistics by product and trading partner for use by governments, academia, research institutes, and enterprises.

Free Access To Detailed Global Trade Data
VISIT UN Comtrade Database


provides an overview over tariffs, taxes, procedures, formalities and requirements, rules of origin, export measures, statistics, trade barriers and more for exports into the EU market. (Please note: This tool has been developed by the European Union only.)

VISIT Access2Markets