Enrolment options

Test course

Course description

This course introduces the key areas of course preparation for online delivery, showcasing ways of learning and pedagogical science, as well as the ways in which they are applied.


This course introduces the key aspects of preparing a course for online delivery. A course developer needs to have a basic understanding of how people learn, the pedagogical science on which course development is based, and the ways in which this can be applied to the chosen delivery approach. After completing this course, participants will be able to participate in and contribute to:

  • A course mapping process;
  • Story board development for lectures;
  • Case study development; and
  • The preparation of online group/forum activities.

English ‎(en)‎
Time required
To be announced...

Course Structure

Lecure 1:
The Halal Market Opportunity
Lecture 2:
Compliance Requirements for Halal Markets
Lecture 3:
Preparing to Enter Halal Markets
Case Study:
Case Study Exercise
Participants who meet the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion issued in electronic format.
Test course
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Time required
Time required
Course access
Guests cannot access this course. Please log in.