This course introduces micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to the Chinese market, including business dynamics and cultural characteristics. With a GDP of $11.3 trillion and a population of nearly 1.4 billion, the course describes China’s market access requirements, key standards/regulations and the location of specific information on importing products and services. Lastly, the course highlights how small businesses can prepare for, and successfully participate in, a large-scale trade show in China. |
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions play an important role, both in preparing youths for their first job, and in equipping them with additional tools throughout their careers. Unfortunately, many TVET institutions fail to effectively engage employers and other private or public sector stakeholders when developing their training courses. As a result, much of the training developed does not actually meet the needs of the local labour market. This has a dual negative effect, as employers cannot find the skilled workers they need, and young graduates are frustrated that they cannot find work. This course thus explores effective ways in which TVET institutions can leverage the expertise of employers and other local stakeholders such as government institutions, trade unions, or even former students to ensure that their training courses actually help their graduates find work. It begins by laying out the importance of performing a labour market analysis in order to determine the actual needs of the local labour market, even before beginning the process of course design. Then, it presents strategies to efficiently involve employers and other stakeholders in the course development process, without creating undue time burdens for them. Finally, it details ways of keeping employers and other stakeholders involved throughout a course's delivery, whether through guest lectures, site visits, internship offers, or other measures. NOTE: We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures. After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Module 1: Identifying and Analyising Labour Market Needs
Module 2: Involving Employers and Other Stakeholders in Developing Your Training Program
Module 3: Delivering Your Course in Collaboration with Employers and Other Stakeholders
Case Study Exercise
- Tutor: Martin-Christian Kent